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Sony's Stringer Defends PSN Response

by Matthew Kato on May 17, 2011 at 11:17 AM

Parts of Sony's PlayStation Network are finally back up and running after being down for almost a month, but that doesn't mean the questions are over. Sony CEO Howard Stringer testily defended the company's response with his one of his own.

"This was an unprecedented situation," he told reporters today. "Most of these breaches go unreported by companies. Forty-three percent notify victims within a month. We reported in a week. You're telling me my week wasn't fast enough?"

While we have no idea if Stringer's info about notification percentages is accurate, all we know is that from the time the outage occurred on April 19 until Sony broke its silence regarding the attack on the 22nd, and then mentioned on April 26 that user's credit card info may have been taken, that people were pretty pissed about not being fully informed.

Stringer's tone in front of reporters is a bit different than his open letter to PS3 fans earlier.


[via Reuters]