
Portal 2’s Repulsion and Propulsion gels provided Valve a lot of new puzzle opportunities, but one gel that didn’t make it into the final game would have also provided gamers with the opportunity to feel ill.

In an interview with EA’s U.K. website, Valve lead writer Erik Wolpaw talked about why this gel got cut from the final game.

"At one point we had a new gel that allowed players to walk up the side of walls," said Wolpaw. "While this added a new twist to the game, the effect was so disorientating that it made people nauseous. While working on a first-person game you always have to be aware of that issue so we removed that gel."

The mechanic sounds cool, and I'd love to see it worked into a future DLC pack, but unless Valve can fix the nausea problem that probably won’t happen.

[Source: Joystiq]