reader discussion
by Jeff Cork on Apr 23, 2011 at 11:28 AM

Like a lot of people out there, I'm playing Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat. I'm enjoying both of them immensely, even though they couldn't be more different from one another. While replaying one of MK's tower missions, I started thinking of other tough parts in games and how I've reacted. What's your strategy when you're stuck?

I've never been especially good at Mortal Kombat. It's a fun series, but it's never clicked with me in the same way that Street Fighter II has. Maybe it's the block button. At any rate, the tower mode in the Mortal Kombat reboot has been extremely satisfying so far. I think that's because the challenges seem tough but fair. I've gotten stuck a few times, but I've been able to power through the first 70 or so of the 300 total.

I'm probably about three hours or so into Portal, and I'm having a great time with it. It's funny and clever, and the puzzles are really well thought out.

Eventually, I know I'm going to get stuck in both games. Then what?

With Portal 2, I will refuse to get any outside help. There's something cathartic about solving puzzles in general, and that feeling is amplified for me in Portal. On the other hand, when I get to a sticking point in MK, I'll probably end up asking Dan for advice. He's worked through the tower mode, and he'll be able to offer some kind of strategy/advice/other nonsense.

Do you guys make hard and fast rules on your gaming when it comes to seeking help? How long will you beat your head against a puzzle before consulting a walkthrough or searching for a cheat? What's the longest you've ever been stuck on a puzzle or level? For me, it was in Alex Kidd: High Tech World. Check out section 03.03 in this FAQ for the reason why my brother and I wasted a few months around the temple area. Lame.

Fortunately, I don't think that situation will be repeating itself with Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat.