
Kinect Sports was one of the launch titles from Kinect's November 2010 release, but Microsoft hasn't forgotten about it. No, the company is ready to revisit those heady days through a second batch of DLC. In Kinect Sports: Calorie Challenge, players will be able to select from six food-themed rivals and try to sweat their way through a calorie-burning goal before the timer runs out.

The add-on launches April 29, and will cost 320 Microsoft Points. Here are the rivals you'll be facing off, with their associated calorie counts:

  • Blazing Banana (92 calories)
  • Chocolate Challenger (416 calories)
  • Mighty Milk (198 calories)
  • Peppy Pizza (302 calories)
  • Steady Celery (25 calories)
  • Supersonic Soda (133 calories)

In addition to the bragging rights that come with beating celery in a footrace, players will have the opportunity to earn 250 new achievement points and a pair of new Avatar awards. You're going down, Mr. Challenger.