
As of Friday, 4,141,742 user-created levels for LittleBigPlanet and LBP 2 were available for download on PlayStation Network. You have to figure that at least a couple thousand are worth playing.

LBP developer Media Molecule thanked fans with this message via the PlayStation Blog:

For us the most exciting thing has always been seeing what the community does with a LittleBigPlanet game when they get their hands on the new features and tools. We’re constantly delighted – and amazed – by their ingenuity and creativity, and it’s so inspiring to see the level of affection that exists for LittleBigPlanet amongst fans around the world.

In the same post, Sony PR flak Eric Levine dropped teases for the next two DLC offerings for LittleBigPlanet 2. The Tron pack (pictured below) comes out on April 26th for $2.99. I'd be more pumped if I could make a Jeff Daniels Sackboy.

May will bring the Killzone 3 pack, pictured above. Who's an adorable little killing machine? Yes you are.