by Tim Turi on Apr 07, 2011 at 06:30 AM

Anonymous, a group of hackers assaulting Sony in support of PS3 code infiltrators George "GeoHot" Hotz and Alexander "Graf_Chokolo" Egorenkov, are currently holstering their mice and keyboards. The ceasefire comes after days of intermittent PSN issues, purportedly caused by Anonymous.

“We realize that targeting the PSN is not a good idea,” reads the press release on AnonNews. “We have therefore temporarily suspended our action, until a method is found that will not severely impact Sony customers.”

The presser continues to emphasize that the attacks are intended for Sony, not gamers. You shouldn’t take this as a permanent suspension of their attacks however, as the collective warns they have “plenty of tricks up [their] sleeves.”

A moderator's post in the Sony EU forums says "We are currently looking into this and I will update the thread as more information becomes available."

As of the time of this writing the PlayStation Network is up and running. Hopefully this is the last we see of the Sony disruptions.

[Source: Joystiq]