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Cancel Your Summer Plans In Preparation For Petz Fantasy 3D

by Dan Ryckert on Apr 05, 2011 at 02:30 PM

Pull out whatever calendar you have right now, I don't care if it's on your desk, in your pocket, or on your phone. Now I want you to cross out any June entries with a big black Sharpie (even if it's a phone calendar...I'm not kidding around here). Actually, I don't even know why it's necessary for me to tell you that Petz Fantasy 3D is coming from Ubisoft this June for 3DS. Real gamers already have a Google Alert set up just in case someone finally makes a game called "Petz Fantasy 3D," so you already know. Then again, I kinda hope you don't have a Google Alert that matches "Pets" and "Fantasy." Also, I don't know why you'd want it to be in 3D.

I'm getting off track. The important thing is that this summer you'll finally be able to hatch magical eggs, raise unicorns and red pandas, and "clean them in a lifelike kids' bathroom as they try to hide from you," according to the press release. The more I read about this, the more I think it's the type of game that might be made for kids that look at Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs as a role model. I'll try to stay away from this booth at E3 this year, because it's gonna be hard writing stories from the bottom of a creepy well.