
[UPDATE]: GI reader revistinha1 managed to dig up a link to the original Deviantart post of the clever mockup, which we missed during our search of the social network site yesterday.

Deviantart user boup0quod is the talented artist responsible for the image, which is just one of many professional-looking posters he has done for movies and video games.

Thanks again to revisitinha1 for the tip!

[ORIGINAL STORY]: A provocative new image has popped up on the Internet, and rumors are already claiming that it's from Assassin's Creed III. However, critics are already calling the shot a fake. So which is it? You be the judge...

VGHQ posted the image, which the site says was sent to them by a tipster. Readers in the post's comments section claim that it's a fake taken from Deviantart, but it's an exciting possibility nonetheless. Here's the full image:

What do you think? Could it be legit, or is it just the wishful thinking of a talented fan?

Thanks to Kyle Sondergaard for the news tip!