
Red Faction: Armageddon is set to tear apart the mines of Mars on May 31, but gamers have a number of pre-order bonuses to choose from before that fated day.

Gamers who pre-order the game at GameStop will receive a free downloadable copy of the Red Faction: Battlegrounds arcade game. Red Faction: Battlegrounds pits four players against each other in a variety of game modes, including Survival, Annihilate and Flag Frenzy. Battlegrounds owners will be able to unlock a unique bonus weapon that will be playable in Red Faction: Armageddon. GameStop shoppers will also receive the Commando Pack, which includes the armored Commando uniform the Plasma Thrower, and dual Laser Pistols.

At Best Buy, players will receive the Recon Pack that includes the clandestine Recon uniform, constructed specifically for Red Faction snipers and spies, the Arc Welder, which immobilizes and electrocutes clusters of enemies, and the XNG-5000, which launches devastating Nanite-filled projectiles that seek out targets and dissolve them.

Amazon shoppers will also receive a free copy of the Red Faction: Battlegrounds DLG.

Finally, Walmart shoppers will receive the limited edition Red Faction 24-page comic book that follows Darius Mason as he chases down a gang of murderous bandits covering events that take place just before the Red Faction: Armageddon. The comic also includes a mini-strategy guide from Prima Games.

[GameStop is the parent company of Game Informer.]