by Jeff Cork on Mar 17, 2011 at 04:54 AM

When we were visiting Volition's offices for our Saints Row: The Third cover trip, Despicable Dan Ryckert asked about what kinds of crazy weapons were abandoned during the game's development. Immediately, the developers started talking about the Fart in a Jar. As they explained, they weren't sure what exactly to do with the thrown item. Would it work like a gas grenade? How would it be different from a flashbang? Aside from the laughs garnered from the initial joke, would it be worth including in the long run? Ultimately, Volition scrapped the idea. Well, they kind of did.

Much to Dan's delight, Volition has been tweeting that the weapon could be inserted into Saints Row: The Third if enough people ask for it. All you have to do is use the super-classy hashtag #fartinajar.

Before you dismiss this as a complete waste of time and/or an indication that Western civilization is further declining, you should know that this is actually proving to be quite educational. If you keep an eye out on Volition's Twitter account, you'll learn that "fartinajar" translates to "scheetinpot" in Dutch, "PrutIEnKrukke" in Danish, and "FurzineineDose" in German. Of course the Germans have a term for it.