by Tim Turi on Mar 17, 2011 at 08:21 AM

Blizzard’s 20th anniversary is still trucking along like a WoW addict with a couple dozen level 85s. The company already made a movie commemorating their two decades of accomplishments, and now it's offering fans prizes for making their own nostalgic videos.

Blizzard wants you to make a film of your fondest memories for the company, be it live action, animation, claymation, machination, or some other form of AV expression. If your film strikes an emotional nerve in the judges, you’ve got a chance at a trip to BlizzCon, wicked computer gear, and other Blizzard-related paraphernalia.

Might I suggest a movie poking fun at the ridiculous things Blizzard RTS units says upon repeated clickings? "'Join the army,' they said. 'See the world,' they said. I'd rather be sailing."

So hop in your Wraith, cruise over to, and learn more. Then start shooting!