
Sony recently dropped the price of the original, disc-based PSP hardware to $129.99. Now, a posting on the Sony official site indicates that a price drop on the download-only PSPgo is in the works.

Under a posting entitled "Step Your Game Up with PSP," this passage makes things pretty clear:

"Now you can enjoy the sleek, totally-digital PSPgo system for $149.99 MSRP and the unsurpassed PSP-3000 system for $129.99 MSRP. Same great features, now at incredible values."

However, Joystiq points out that the major video game retailers, including Amazon, Best Buy, and Gamestop are still listing the PSPgo for its current price of $199 – a price which has been standard since the unit experienced its first discounting in October of 2010.

While it might not be official yet, with the NGP looming, Sony will have to be pretty aggressive in pricing to clear out its existing inventory of PSP and PSPgo.

[Source: Joystiq]