by Adam Biessener on Feb 28, 2011 at 08:22 AM

Experience the final installment of Gaijin Games' retro-styled WiiWare saga today.

Bit.Trip Flux has a similar dynamic to the first Bit.Trip title, Beat, but throws a selection of twists at the player as they try to intercept dots with a Pong-like paddle. Because what that game needed was more difficulty, obviously.

Bit.Trip Flux is available now on WiiWare for 800 Wii Points, which will run you about $8.

Nintendo also pushed out a Diner Dash clone and a licensed game based on a kids' cartoon to DSiWare this week.* That'll teach you to doubt the company's commitment to the DSi platform.

* There is also a port of a mobile physics-based puzzler from 2006 called Magnetic Joe out on DSiWare this week for 500 points, but it didn't fit with my overall snarky tone. I had to pull it out into a footnote to make the story work. By all means, though, check it out – I have no idea if it's any good, but at least it's not obvious trash. And that's a win on Nintendo platforms some weeks.