
Peter Molyneux will be honored with a British Academy of Film and Television Arts’ Fellowship this year, presented to him during the GAME British Academy Video Games Awards. A Fellowship Award equates to a Lifetime Achievement Award, and will place Molyneux alongside other industry luminaries including Will Wright, Shigeru Miyamoto and Nolan Bushnell.
“I remember back in 1967 watching the first BAFTA awards on television with my family and seeing them being so excited about those accolades,” says Molyneux about the honor. “Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would be possible for me to accept one of the greatest honors the entertainment industry has to offer. My first thought on learning that I was awarded an Academy Fellowship was that to be in  the company of some of the greatest talents the entertainment industry has ever seen is truly humbling and secondly that this is an award  not just for myself, but for all the people I’ve ever worked with.”

The GAME Awards will air on Wednesday March 16. Molyneux has a busy month ahead of him, as he will also be awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2011 Game Developer Choice Awards next week.