
[UPDATE] Valve just sent out a statement dashing rumors of any Move support for Portal 2.

The statement reads:

There's a story making the rounds regarding Portal 2 support for PS3 Move. Unfortunately this quote was 'lost in translation' -- Portal 2 does not include support for Sony's motion controller.

Original Story (February 17 2011 08:51 AM)

Valve has promised to make the PS3 version of Portal 2 the best console version of the game. Does this include Move support?

According to the German PlayStation Blog's interview with Chet Faliszek, a writer at Valve, the PS3 version of Portal 2 will have "volle PlayStation Move Unterstützung," which translates to "full PlayStation Move support." Given the FPS camera and gameplay nature of the game, Move support seems like an easy and excellent choice. On the other hand, Valve Faliszek says that Portal 2 on the PS3 doesn't utilize Sony's other new initiative – 3D – since he doesn't think it would mesh with the gameplay, and Valve would have had to put it in from the beginning.

Would Portal 2 support of Move make you consider getting the peripheral?


[via tip from Jeff Smith]