dice 2011

Representing the NPD Group at D.I.C.E. is analyst Anita Frazier. She provides data for current gaming trends.

  • In a recent study, 59 percent of people age 13 or above in the U.S. plays video games. They play at least five hours a week
  • Gaming habits in individuals typically ramp up at age 6
  • 74 percent of households have internet access, 71 percent of which is high speed
  • Frazier covered avenues of portable gaming on mobile devices, or "bite-sized gaming" as she called it. She also discussed social gaming. One-third of social network game users are new to gaming. 22 percent play games on both standard consoles and social networks
  • Video games capture one-fourth of consumer monthly spend
  • Total consumer spend on content outside of new games (physical) estimated at 5.4 to 5.6 billion in the U.S. in 2010. New games are still the largest share of purchases.

Frazier ends the presentation by stating a few reasons the industry will grow in 2011: Improved economy, mobile/social gaming growth, continued DLC, more broadband connectivity to prompt digital impulse buys, and 3D gaming.