
This past Saturday, a shooting in Tuscon, Arizona left six dead and 14 wounded. The gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, 22, has been under investigation, which includes evaluation of his mental health. Reporters from The Wall Street Journal have unearthed 131 forum posts allegedly written by Loughner between April and June 2010 that disturbed other forum members.

Here are some of the posts found in a private forum for the online game Earth Empires:

Typed to a group of 50 gamers worldwide: "Does anyone have aggression 24/7?"

"If you went to prison right now...What would you be thinking?"

"Would you hit a Handy Cap Child/ Adult?"

"I bet your hungry...Because i know how to cut a body open and eat you for more than a week. ;-)"

In other online forum posts, there are topics that include work, rape, and rejection. According to CBS News, the FBI is currently investigating whether or not Loughner is responsible for these musings.