by Matt Miller on Jan 07, 2011 at 08:11 AM

The game's not even out yet, but Bioware already has some DLC in the works, and we've got the video reveal.

BioWare and EA would sure love it if you would pre-order Dragon Age II before January 11th. That's the message the two companies seem to be sending with this latest news; pre-orderers will get a free upgrade to the "Signature Edition" of the game, which includes a digital soundtrack, an in-game digital armory with a number of weapons, and access to The Exiled Prince DLC.

The Exiled Prince introduces a new character into Hawke's story. Sebastian Vael is a noble-born archer who is out to avenge the murder of his family. Players will get to join him in this quest for vengeance, and then have him accompany the party for the rest of the game.

If you don't pre-order the game, expect to pay $7 for the DLC, which will be available the day of release on March 8th.

To learn more about The Exiled Prince, check out the short video below.