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New Year's Eve Warrior 12/31/10

by Annette Gonzalez on Dec 31, 2010 at 01:00 PM

If you're not already completely intoxicated, feel free to take a minute to tell us what you're playing in the comments section! If you happen to read this past midnight, Happy New Year!

Bertz: More Bad Company 2 Vietnam on tap this weekend. I also plan to celebrate the NHL Classic by booting up some NHL 11, which improved drastically with the last tuner update.

Joe: I'm playing Radiant Historia for review, an upcoming handheld RPG, and I'm pretty excited about it so far. I have such fond memories of 16-bit RPGs, and this one seems to tap into that nostalgia. I'm not too far into it yet, though, so we'll see how the vibe carries through.

Kato: I still have a lot of games that I'm working through, and as it's hard for me to get concentrated pockets of time to really hunker down and play. I tend to have a lot of games I play in bits and pieces. Thus, I'm still going to pick at Red Dead Redemption, Gran Turismo 5, NHL 11, Pinball FX 2, Heavy Rain (second playthrough), and AC: Brotherhood. I'm not a big multiplayer guy, but I really like how balanced Brotherhood's modes are. Because of this, I find myself playing it way more than I would other game's multiplayer modes.

Jeff M: This weekend I plan to ring in the new year with some Pinball FX 2. What better way to start the year than by crushing my co-workers' high scores? I might also play a little Saints Row 2 as well, to kick 2011 off with a little immature absurdity.

Annette: Kinect shenanigans will continue with the family this weekend provided we're not hungover.

Phil: Assuming I'm not too busy drinking more and/or recovering, my weekend is going to be filled with World of Warcraft. My level 85 mage is finally ready to start tackling heroic dungeons, which means just a little more work until I'm ready to start raiding. Maybe even this week, if my guild talks me into it! I'm also finally tearing into the copy of Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit that I hadn't had a chance to open until now. My eventual plan? Defeat Dan on every autolog entry possible.

Sean: For New Year’s we’re just going to be driving from Florida. Probably not as much fun as yours.

That's it for us. What are you playing this weekend! Happy New Year!