by Joe Juba on Dec 20, 2010 at 07:40 AM

Have you been playing Infinity Blade? If so, you're about to get even more game to play. The title from Chair and Epic Games hasn't even been out a full two weeks, and it's already getting a free content pack.

According to Chair's press release, this content releases tomorrow on the App Store and features:

-5 new swords, 5 new shields, 5 new helmets, and 1 new set of armor
-A level cap raised from 40 to 45
-A new enemy called the Marrow Fiend
-The option to purchase in-game gold with real-world money
-The ability to listen to your own music while playing
-Minor tweaks and bug fixes

That's good news for mobile gamers, and you can look forward to even more updates next year as Chair adds new areas, enemies, and multiplayer to the gorgeous Unreal-powered fantasy title.