by Adam Biessener on Dec 17, 2010 at 05:40 AM

CD Projekt loves From Software's super-hardcore RPG Demon's Souls. We do too, but this is getting out of control. The "Insane" difficulty in The Witcher 2 nukes your save games on death. It doesn't get much more hardcore than that.

Why bother, other than out of hubris? CD Projekt lead gameplay designer Mateusz Kanik told Eurogamer, "There will be an achievement for that, for sure." Well, that tears it. Nerd points aren't going to earn themselves, you know.

Kanik also mentioned that the developers are looking at a Mass Effect 2 style intro that will let players without a completed The Witcher save to import still affect the story of the sequel in a similar fashion.

What would you be more proud of: a Starcaller title in World of Warcraft, or the achievement for beating a massive, sprawling single-player RPG without dying once on the hardest difficulty?

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