
To celebrate Mario’s recent 25th anniversary, Nintendo held a contest asking users of the DSi’s Mario Flipnote to make special cartoons. The creators of Super Mario Bros. watched and critiqued the best of the best, offering unique commentary on some pretty adorable Mario toons.

Mario creators Shigeru Miyamoto, Takashi Tezuka, and Yoshiaki Koizumi’s evaluations are humorously introspective.

Describing the image above, Tezuka says “I like the indescribable mood and the expression in this video. Mario, sitting on the edge of the sofa, seems strangely real. I also thought the punch line was funny.”

Yes, strangely real.

Additionally, Miyamoto appears to have a keen ear for illegal sound effects.

You can check out the gallery of English and Japanese entries via the Nintendo Channel on your Wii or this website.