by Jeff Cork on Dec 09, 2010 at 02:21 AM

It looks like the rumors (and common sense) are panning out. Naughty Dog has revealed Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. The game, due out in late 2011, is set in the Arabian Peninsula.

According to the reveal at Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch blog, the story is focused on the relationship between Nathan Drake and his pal Victor "Sully" Sullivan. Of course, there's treasure, too. This time, our hero scours the Rub' al Khali Desert for a legendary lost city. Uncharted's co-president Evan Wells told EW that the desert setting was at least partially appealing because of the inherent difficulties in bringing it to players. "We’re a bunch of nerds. We just look for something that will be a technical, artistic challenge, and allowed us to push into an area of the world and history we’ve never tapped into before,” he said.

It looks as though multiplayer will continue to be a focus in Uncharted 3, both co-op and competitive. Wells says Naughty Dog wants to take on "the big boys" in the multiplayer space with this one, which could prove to be interesting. As far as the campaign goes, Drake has a few new tools at his disposal as well, including the ability to fight multiple enemies simultaneously and some new climbing capabilities.

Look for more info, including a release date and trailer, during this weekend's Spike VGAs, on Saturday, December 11, at 8 p.m. EST.