
BioWare, one of the most respected and successful development studios, is making a new game! Okay, that's not a big surprise, especially if you've already seen the teaser. But Spike's Geoff Keighley has dropped a few new tantalizing hints about what the game may be.

On Saturday, December 11, the Spike VGAs will officially unveil the new BioWare game – which is likely an entry in the Mass Effect series, if rumors and speculation are any indication. Keighley reveals a bit more in a recent video, though he doesn't give any details as to the game's identity.

"It's not all set in that location that you see [in the teaser]." says Keighley. "You may see something else in there that will get you pretty excited."

He also says ""Maybe this is set somewhere familiar...doesn't that look a little bit like – " at which point he is cut off by an edit.

All the guessing is fun, but at this point, I'd rather just know what the game is than spend another week picking up breadcrumbs and clues.

(Source: Spike)