by Annette Gonzalez on Nov 26, 2010 at 01:00 PM

Thanksgiving weekend is among us. If you survived the horror that is Black Friday shopping, chances are, like us, you plan on stuffing your face with leftovers while catching up on your favorite games over the long weekend. Let us know what you're playing in the comments section!

Reiner: Thanksgiving is the craziest day of the year for me. Roughly 20 to 30 people will be invading my home to pillage it of all of its food. Have you ever tried to cook for that many people? It's impossible. Here's a tip: Have Old Country Buffet cater the meal a day beforehand. Roughly an hour before people start showing up to your home, throw the turkey in the oven, and put several of the side dishes in pots on the stove. They'll think you made it all. I know this strategy works. I've been using it for the last 10 years. A few people have questioned why I don't eat any of the food, but I found that a crappy piece of pumpkin pie can divert any question.

Andy: Family is invading the homestead so I predict late night sessions of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, some World of Warcraft (if The Shattering starts this week), and more Picross 3D as I nod at conversations I’m not paying attention to. May play some Dance Central if the family becomes so inclined, too. Otherwise, going to eat too much and watch football like the rest of the world.

Bertz: I'm off to San Francisco for Thanksgiving, so I'll be away from my consoles until the break is over. To deal with the separation anxiety, I plan to go the Don Draper route and keep a highball of scotch in my hands at all times. On the plane I'll continue my conquest of those annoying enemies in Angry Birds.

Kato: I’ll be spending a lot of time digging into Gran Turismo 5’s online mode, and should have enough time to also spend on Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. That’s the definition of a win/win.

Jeff M: This weekend the number one game I’ll be playing is seeing how much turkey I can stuff into my face. In between trips to the refrigerator, I’m going to make an effort to finish off Assassin’s Creed II and Mass Effect 2. Throw in some more Pinball FX 2, and I’ve got plenty to be thankful about over the long holiday weekend!

I was handed a shiny copy of Black Ops, so I know for sure I’ll be powering through the single-player campaign this Thanksgiving weekend. I hope to sample some of the multiplayer, too, but I usually get bored with it after too long. I’ll continue playing Silent Hill: Homecoming, Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles, and maybe some more DKC III. I have been hungering for some retro gaming, too. Specifically, I want to play Castlevania 3, 4, and the SNES Dracula X.

Annette: I'll be in Chicago over the weekend and plan on traveling light with a Wii and a few portables. Amid catching up with family and friends, I also look forward to spending plenty of time with Super Mario Galaxy 2 and DK Country Returns.

Meagan: I'm going to be up north with some family Thanksgiving weekend and am eager to introduce them to Kinect. I've got Kinect Adventures, Sports, and Dance Central on my list of titles to show off, and if time allows, I'm going to dive into Mass Effect 2. It's a blight on my record that I've yet to play BioWare's epic sequel, and one I plan on rectifying soon!

Phil: My original plan for Thanksgiving was to play Golden Sun: Dark Dawn while away with the family and then to finish off Assassin's Creed Brotherhood when I got home. Unfortunately, some bad weather has led to a canceled trip. On the bright side, Blizzard chose this week to launch a game-changing World of Warcraft patch that introduces tons of new and great content to the level 1-60 game. I'm still hoping to put in some time with Dark Dawn and Brotherhood, but it's going to be hard to ignore that itch to keep leveling my new troll druid.

That's it for us. What are you playing this weekend?