
A lot of gamers have been experience connection problems with the Wii version of Activision's mega-blockbuster Call of Duty: Black Ops. Thankfully, Treyarch is on the case, and is working on an update that will correct the problem.

That's pretty cool, especially since we didn't even know you could patch Wii games! In a post on the Black Ops official forums, Olin said, "Thank you for helping us to identify the various connectivity issues you have been experiencing. We have fixed many of the problems you have reported and are currently testing those fixes in anticipation of releasing an update. Stay tuned for the delivery of this update within the next week or so."

It's certainly good to see a developer owning up to its mistakes and doing something to fixing the problem, especially on the Wii, where these type of patches are rare-to-nonexistent.

Source: Destructoid