by Ben Reeves on Nov 19, 2010 at 02:30 PM

We’ve been waiting long enough to play Gran Turismo 5, so thankfully we won’t have to wait for the game to install after we buy it. Gran Turismo 5 installs itself when you’re not looking.

Gran Turismo 5’s install takes up 6.4GB of hard-drive space (that’s one of the largest installs on the PlayStation 3), this equates to almost 40 minutes of looking at a loading screen when you could be behind the wheel of a Mercedes SLS AMG.

Alternatively, players will be able to let the game install slowly while playing. According to Sony, “If users choose not to install the data straight away [the game] will do it in stages as new areas, tracks, etc. are accessed during normal gameplay.”

Gran Turismo is still set to release on November 24, and we’re curious to see if this “slow” install effects gameplay in any way. Whatever the case, it sounds pretty nifty, and we hope other games start utilizing this install trick in the future.

Via Eurogamer