by Phil Kollar on Nov 15, 2010 at 02:00 PM

With at least three million copies sold as of last count, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is doing just fine for itself, but that doesn't mean pirates aren't getting the game the old-fashioned, illegal way.

According to TorrentFreak, a BitTorrent enthusiast site, StarCraft II has been illicitly downloaded via BitTorrent 2.3 million times. The download file's huge 7.19 GB size makes it the most data sent via BitTorrent for a single file -- 15.77 petabytes.

It's unclear how those who downloaded the game were able to play it afterward, as Wings of Liberty normally requires users log in to with a legit account, but pirates do tend to find a way. Curiously, TorrentFreak notes that the official Blizzard downloader -- which also uses torrents -- may have moved even more data than the pirated version.

I don't think we're in any risk of Blizzard going out of business because of piracy, but if anyone's reading this who downloaded an illegal copy: Quit being an idiot and go buy the game already.

[via 1UP]