
In the great HD-DVD Blu-ray war, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 faced a battle of the ages, with the PS3 and its ability to play Blu-ray discs emerging as victor causing that other format to become obsolete. Microsoft backed the HD format and years of smack talking against Blu-ray followed. However, a new Windows ad shows the company is headed in a different direction.

In a recent PC ad posted on YouTube, in a similar vein of features comparison of the "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" commercials, the PC claims superiority over being able to play an Avatar Blu-ray leaving the Mac in the dust. Could this mean their next piece of gaming hardware could finally include a Blu-ray player? While only rumors have circulated of a relationship between Blu-ray and Xbox, this advertising move by Microsoft with Windows and PCs could be telling of the future of their console.

Check out the ad below: