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reader discussion

Reader Discussion: Did Black Ops Live Up To The Hype?

by Jeff Marchiafava on Nov 11, 2010 at 12:14 PM

Today we found out that a record number of you bought Black Ops on day one, even surpassing the sales Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 raked in during its first twenty four hour window. Which raises the question: Has Black Ops lived up to your expectations?

There's no doubt that Infinity Ward has set a high standard for Treyarch to compete with. I haven't played Black Ops yet, so I don't know which I'll like better, but I think the things that have me most excited for Black Ops are some of the secondary features, such as the new wagering system, and the theater mode for making your own highlight reels. I'm interested in hearing how people think the campaign stacks up to previous Call of Duty entries, and how the multiplayer compares to MW 2 -- is Black Ops the best Call of Duty on the market? Or do you feel an older installment still reigns supreme? Share your thoughts in the comments section.