
There are a ton of games Japan gets to play that we don't. There are several on the Nintendo DS, as a matter of fact. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata says the company is localizing these games' and testing their potential overseas success, which could result in new U.S. releases.

Nintendo needs to focus on developing 3DS games, but the company wants to continue delivering games for DS owners who won't be upgrading right away. Releasing previously unavailable games is one solution.

"Some software has already proved its marketability in Japan but is still not available in the overseas’ markets, and for some software titles, our localization teams are currently spending time to localize them," Iwata told investors.

Animal Crossing is an example of a GameCube game that wasn't scheduled to release in the West, but was eventually localized after Nintendo realized the game might resonate with non-Japanese gamers.

I know there's a Fire Emblem remake I wouldn't mind getting my hands on. Are there any Japan-only DS games you'd like to play?

Source: Siloconera