
It looks like the trend of Persona games getting ported to and updated on the PSP is set to continue. The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that PS1 title Persona 2: Innocent Sin will be receiving a PSP makeover soon.

Silicon Era has the full report from Famitsu, which notes that the remake will include a new opening movie and gameplay tweaks similar to the Persona PSP remake from last year. Innocent Sin will be directed by the same person as the previous remake, Shoji Meguro.

Interestingly, Innocent Sin is one of the only Persona games never to have been released in North America. Its follow-up, Eternal Punishment, made its way to our shores eventually, but this game was a no-show. Hopefully that mistake will be corrected, but Atlus has yet to announce if the PSP version of Innocent Sin will head our way.

Speaking of Eternal Punishment, Meguro says in the Famitsu article that although there are no current plans to bring that game to PSP as well, he would like to do it. Seeing as Atlus has already released successful PSP ports of Persona and Persona 3, I can only hope they'll finish things out by doing Persona 2: Eternal Punishment as well.

[Image at top from Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, via Let's Play Archive]