
Rock Band's Pro difficulty mode, which brings gamers closer than ever before to the experience of actually playing instruments, is the cornerstone feature of the Harmonix's upcoming music title. Today, in an interview with IGN, MTV Games' Paul DeGooyer revealed the pricing structure for DLC Pro difficulty songs, which the company had hinted would be higher than conventional songs.

Thankfully, the price bump isn't as high as many had feared. Each new Rock Band 3 DLC song will come with Pro mode for keyboard and drums. However, axe-slingers who want the ultimate test on guitar will have to spend an extra dollar for Pro guitar mode. According to MTV Games, the extra fee is necessary because of the extra work required to create Pro guitar tracks. However, the company decided to make it an add-on fee in order to keep prices reasonable for those that aren't interested in the mode. ""The alternative would be of course to include it (in the regular download) and up the price for everybody, which I don't think is really fair," said DeGooyer.

Interesting, not every new Rock Band 3 track will feature Pro difficulty, as some songs were determined to not be sufficiently challenging.

Source: Joystiq