
As part of the Xbox 360 user interface update coming in November, Netflix streaming is getting some slight tweaks and one major new feature.

PlayStation 3 has had Netflix instant queue search functionality since late July, but will be the first time on 360 that users will be able to look for  specific content without having to use another Internet enabled device. Kotaku has posted a video tour of the new Netflix showcasing some of the inner workings (skip ahead to the 4:00 mark to see the search functionality in action).

Text input is handled by one long horizontal line, which I've never seen before. Hopefully, it's not too clunky. Movies show up right away after the first letter, then get more specific to what you're looking for with each following letter. If the movie you're looking for isn't available for streaming it will still show up, but it'll have a "DVD only" message next to it. At that point you have the option to add the movie to your DVD queue or check out  "similar titles" that are available to watch instantly. Looks pretty slick!