by Matt Miller on Sep 21, 2010 at 10:00 AM

If you pick up Thongs of Virtue during launch week, you'll get some free goodies. In related news, it's launch week!

Today sees the release of Deathspank: Thongs of Virtue on PSN, and tomorrow the game is headed to XBLA. EA sure would appreciate it if you bought the game right away, and they'd like to offer you some incentive in the form of two pieces of free DLC for timely purchasers.

The Snowy Mountain Dungeon level and the Sidekick Tankko co-op character are the two items up for grabs. You'll get both free on PSN through September 27th, and the same on XBLA through September 28th. Get lazy and wait too long and you're looking at an investment of $2.99/240 Microsoft points for the level, and $0.99/80 points for the character.