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Replay – Mario Party 3

by Dan Ryckert on Sep 17, 2010 at 09:20 PM


"Spending just a measly hour with this miserable, cancer-of-the-brain-inducing game is like going naked hot-tubbing with Rush Limbaugh as your parents cheer and snap photos. I didn't think it was humanly possible for this series to get any worse than it was, but this entry wailed on my unmentionables until they were well past black and blue." - Andrew Reiner, Game Informer issue #128.

If the above quote doesn't spell it out for you clearly enough, Mario Party has a long history of being the most despised series at Game Informer. Hell, Nintendo even sent us a sarcastic plaque commemorating our sheer hatred. I knew it would be a rough experiment, but I rounded up Adam, Matt, and Joe to play through an entire round with me. I also completely forgot how long these rounds are, resulting in our longest Replay ever and the eternal hatred of my co-workers. Check out our misery below.

Check out the Replay Hub for every episode on demand!