by Adam Biessener on Sep 11, 2010 at 09:30 AM

EA and Visceral Games have finally taken the lid off of Dead Space 2 multiplayer, and the rumors were totally right. It's Left 4 Dead in space. Not that we're crying ourselves to sleep about it.

Visceral divulged the basics of the action/horror shooter's online mode in an episode of GameTrailers TV. The reveal showed off the four types of Necromorphs playable in the four-on-four objective-based modes, among other things. Players can be a human member of Sprawl security forces, or crawl into the rotting skins of the following aliens:

  • The Pack: Kids afflicted by necromorphology turn into these abominations. In multiplayer, Pack players are agile melee combatants that can jump onto humans, temporarily incapacitating them. Yeah, they're basically Hunters from what we can tell.
  • Lurkers: These long-range necromorphs can climb along walls like facehuggers in Aliens vs. Predator. The trailer didn't show off any special abilities beyond that, but we're going to go ahead and call them Smokers anyway.
  • Spitters: The only female necromorph type, Spitters' strengths aren't hard to guess at.
  • Pukers: Can you imagine a lumbering zombie-like creature that barfs on its enemies? Us neither. Where Visceral came up with this one, we have no idea.

Visceral also showed off two of the five multiplayer maps that Dead Space 2 will launch with. Titan Mine has the humans trying to collect three components of a shock mine, then using that to blow up a door -- decimating the Necromorph threat in the area. Escape tasks Sprawl security with breaching a series of doors to reach four escape pods and power them on, then getting "the hell out of town," as Visceral puts it.

We mock, but only because we love. Dead Space 2 multiplayer looks awesome, and the franchise's unique weapons and the objective-based nature of the maps provide some separation between it and Left 4 Dead. And who are we kidding? What better format for a survival horror to follow for its online offering?