
You remember in A Christmas Story when Ralphie places an ad for his desired Christmas present into his mom's favorite magazine to drop a hint? Times have changed, and clipping out ads from the Sunday paper just doesn't cut it in this technological age. How do you really grab the attention of the ladies in your life? Show them a sweaty, dirty, affectionate, sincere fireman and pack him with a PlayStation Move to peddle.

In an advertising move that can only be compared to the atomic bomb, Sony gives hopeful PlayStation the power of unbridled manliness balanced with a vulnerable side to convince their grandmas, girlfriends, or mothers that they need to buy Move. Head over to the site to create your custom video which can be set in areas like the mall or a day spa. Even add a picture of yourself to the smoldering and gushy note the fireman reads.

According to Sensitive Fireman, PlayStation Move "turns your house into a home, then back into a house... filled with people... who are happy to be home... together."

Keep up the silly, Sony.

Check out my video here.