by Nick Ahrens on Sep 03, 2010 at 08:59 AM

If you’ve recently downloaded the Toy Box DLC for Crackdown 2 and found yourself with a buggy mess of a game, you’re not alone. Since the DLC’s release, users have been posting in the forums of the Ruffian Games website with major complaints concerning both the free and paid downloadable content.

From major framerate drops to game freezes, it would seem the DLC’s current state is pretty much no good. In response, Ruffian co-founder Gaz Liddon replied to the frustrated users with: "We have confirmation of what the issue is now. The paid part of the DLC was incorrectly configured when mastered." He also suggests users take the following steps:

1.    Delete the Toybox DLC
2.    Delete your profile (just the profile, not the items attached)
3.    Recover your profile
4.    Redownload the DLC

While the steps may be a bit drastic, so far it seems to be the only fix until they get a patch out there.

[Source Shacknews]