
Soldiers love playing video games in their off hours, but if they want to play EA's new Medal of Honor, they might have trouble finding it. The game has been banned from sale at all stores located within Army and Air Force installations.

Previously placed orders and reservations are either being canceled or moved to stores located off base or post. Apparently the game was pulled because of its “depictions of Taliban fighters engaging American troops.”

The Army & Air Force Exchange Service's Commander Maj. Gen. Bruce Casella recently told Kotaku, “Out of respect to those we serve, we will not be stocking this game. We regret any inconvenience this may cause authorized shoppers, but are optimistic that they will understand the sensitivity to the life and death scenarios this product presents as entertainment. As a military command with a retail mission, we serve a very unique customer base that has, or possibly will, witness combat in real life.”

Sounds like a sticky situation to us. What do you guys think?