by Matt Miller on Sep 01, 2010 at 06:40 AM

The unusual survival game series is moving onto PlayStation 3 in Japan, potentially heralding an earthquake-riddled trip to the United States.

IGN has a report up about the return of the franchise that spawned Disaster Report and Raw Danger on PS2. The new game, entitled Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 4, will be the fourth entry in the series. The third entry was available only on PSP in Japan.

The natural disaster themed franchise is taking some new strides on this current generation of hardware. Players must navigate a city struck by an earthquake, and work with other survivors to get out. In what might be a first, the game also demands that characters in the game relieve themselves at a bathroom from time to time -- or they'll get really stressed out. Nope. Not joking.

IGN also reports that the game will feature Move and 3D support on PS3. While only confirmed for release in Japan, we've got our fingers crossed that this quirky title will make its way stateside.

Want to see a little of one of the earlier games in action? Check out our Replay of Blaster Master from a few months back -- the tail end of the video includes a brilliant playthrough of the beginning of Disaster Report. Watch around the 30:00 minute mark of the video. It will blow your mind.