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Get A New Look At Split/Second With Free DLC

by Matthew Kato on Aug 30, 2010 at 07:40 PM

Black Rock's Split/Second didn't have car customization per se – although it had cool decals that automatically appeared on your car based on your achievements – but the developer is letting gamers look good playing the game with new cars and paint jobs via DLC.

The Elite Vehicle Livery pack is free, and it offers new body paint for the Elite Brawn, Vixen, and Raptor vehicles. Meanwhile, the High Octane Supercar pack costs $2 (or 160 MS points), and gives you three new cars (like the Cobretti above) as well as a new look for the Ryback Cyclone.

If you're waiting for a new track for the game, publisher Disney says that one will be available in the future.

A new livery for the Elite Brawn

The new-look Raptor