by Joe Juba on Aug 25, 2010 at 10:20 AM

If you want to visit the official site for the original BioShock, you need to visit Why the "game" on the end? Because was taken, and despite Take-Two Interactive's protests, the publisher can't have the domain.

The legal details of the situation are a little sticky, but it boils down to this: Back in 2004, a company called Name Administration nabbed, before Take-Two had filed any trademarks on the property. This year, Take-Two's lawyers sought to have the domain name transferred to the publisher, claiming that the domain was registered and being used in bad faith.

Weighing each side of the story, the World Intellectual Property Organization decided that, because the site was registered before any trademarks were filed, Name Administration could retain ownership of the site, forcing Take-Two to accept the situation.

Thankfully, the website for the upcoming BioShock Infinite is under Irrational Games' control, so you don't to dance around any URLs to find out more about that game.

(Source: Gamerlaw)