
Today Valve announced the next chapter in the Left 4 Dead saga, and it's coming to more games and platforms than you might think. Oh, and someone's going to die. Again.

In an interview with GamesTrailers, Valve's Chet Faliszek announced The Sacrifice, a new DLC pack that will be compatible with both Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. The Sacrifice will tell the events leading up to the last L4D expansion, The Passing, which revealed the death of one of the original L4D cast members. In The Sacrifice however, who dies will be up to you.

Those who purchase The Sacrifice for Left 4 Dead 2 will get an added bonus. Faliszek stated that once the development team converted the original cast over to the sequel, they figured they might as well throw in everyone's favorite map from the first game, No Mercy. There's no word on whether L4D1 players will get any exclusives in their version of the new DLC pack, but considering how long L4D2 has been out, they should probably be happy to be getting anything at all. Faliszek also revealed that for the first time the Left 4 Dead series will be available on Mac.

The Sacrifice will be free for anyone playing on a computer, and cost "something" for Xbox 360 players (thanks, Microsoft). It will be out on October 5, and Faliszek stated that there's more DLC to come. We'll bring you more on The Sacrifice as we approach its release.

[Via GameTrailers TV]