
It hasn't been the best of summers for APB developer Realtime Worlds. The game didn't get great reviews, and recently there has been bankruptcy, restructuring, and layoffs at the studio. APB fans, don't worry – the developer isn't going to let the game die on the vine.

According to a press release by Realtime Worlds, the studio restructured to enable it to continue supporting the game. In fact, a new patch has gone out that includes:

  • Matchmaking changes to allow for more player control (on/off duty) coupled with more immediate fairer matches
  • Combat and gameplay changes including recoil and weapon rebalancing, for a more immersive experience
  • New vehicle handling model
  • Advanced graphics options
  • Improved HUD messaging
  • VoIP improvements
  • New clothing, symbols, vehicles and instrument pack

There's no doubting that the situation isn't good at Realtime Worlds, but kudos to the team for not taking things lying down.