by Meagan Marie on Aug 17, 2010 at 03:59 AM

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days just hit retail today, and developer IO Interactive already dropped details on pending downloadable content. Information is vauge, but we do know that the content will be hitting August 31 and include three different packs – the Multiplayer Mask Pack, Alliance Weapon Pack, and Doggie Bag Pack. All three packs are intended to augment multiplayer modes with additional tools and locations.

“Given the history of Kane & Lynch, we expected overwhelming interest, and the initial acclaim solidifies the ever-growing phenomenon and attraction gamers have to the characters and story,” said Niels Jørgensen, general manager of IO Interactive. “And we are proud to be able to extend the experience in the coming weeks with more maps, weapons and toys to heighten the tension and pressure of pulling-off a high profile heist.”

Look for our review of Dog Days this week.