by Annette Gonzalez on Aug 13, 2010 at 02:00 PM

The humidity in Minneapolis has yet to subside, so you'll find our staff locked indoors catching up on our favorite games. Lots of backlog gaming this week. Check out our weekend picks, then head over to the comments section and share your plans.

Bryan: I’m hoping to get in some more Scott Pilgrim time on Saturday. I’m flying out to Germany for Gamescom on Sunday so I’ll be taking along Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story to play on the plane, but I suspect I’ll spent most of the trip playing Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night on my iPhone instead.

Jeff C: This weekend, I’m planning on starting up another Dead Rising playthrough to mop up a few lingering achievements. I played through Case Zero for an upcoming review, and I know if I don’t play the original now it’ll be too hard to go back. Other than that, I’ll probably get stuck playing some PaRappa the Rapper. My son is kind of obsessed with it for some reason, and I may as well nurture his interest in awesome things.

Tim: With Chrono Trigger finally completed, I’ve removed one game from my shameful portable backlog. With that piece of the past obliterated, I’ve focused my attention on tackling Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story. So far it’s hilarious, fun, and expertly paced. I’m about 10 hours in and can’t wait to see what else happens. After that I’m moving on to The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. I may try to clean up Deadly Premonition, too, because by the time I’m done with it Phil is probably going to want his copy back for a replay. Games!

Dan: Just got home from a bunch of travel, so I'm laying low this weekend. Might go to a bar or two at night, but I plan on doing a lot of sitting around and playing Starcraft II and Madden 11. Gotta catch up on my DVR stuff too, I think I have some Louie, WWE, Obsessed, and Intervention to watch. With summer winding down, I'll definitely head to the lake if the weather agrees.

Annette: This weekend I'm wrapping up a few games that I'm playing for our upcoming issue so my personal backlog will have to wait. Might squeeze in some time for Scott Pilgrim, though. Note: Do yourselves a favor and see the movie. Incredible.

Jeff A: Finally wrapped up The Orange Box this past weekend and have now moved on to another game that I left neglected for far too long: Killzone 2. Enjoying it so far. One heck of a visceral trip. This weekend also marks the start of the dreaded NFL preseason. The games are always such total garbage and yet I can never keep myself from at least watching some of them. Talk about your own personal purgatory.

That's it for us. What are you up to this weekend?