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Game Informer Talks Covers At PAX

by Ben Reeves on Aug 13, 2010 at 01:24 PM

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Want to know how a game ends up on the cover of Game Informer? This is your chance to find out. This year at PAX, Game Informer and Irrational Games have a panel where we talk about this very subject.

A lot of time and effort is put into each cover of Game Informer and this panel will talk about this interesting and time-consuming process. Here is the synopsis taken from the PAX website:

“Ever wonder how games get on the cover of Game Informer magazine? From the exploration stage to full out execution, editors Andy McNamara and Andy Reiner explain how games go from a phone call to 4.5 million readers in this candid talk about how game journalists work with game companies to reveal gaming’s biggest hits. To share the developer perspective, Irrational Games’ creative director and president Ken Levine, director of marketing Leonie Manshanden, and lead artist Shawn Robertson join us to discuss landing the October cover, which will be revealed on stage for the first time.”

Wait a minute? What is Irrational Games doing there? And what is this October cover business? Irrational Games just revealed BioShock Infinite, could they we working on a second title already? We don’t know.

Actually, we do know, but we can’t tell you. We’re gentlemen like that.