
We've seen the mysterious before, but it certainly hasn't taught us much about what Irrational Games has up their sleeve. When we first saw it, it featured the above image. A few hours ago, the site featured a centered circle with a small outline around it. That's all we've really seen from the site thus far. However, Irrational's creative director Ken Levine had this to say on his Twitter page earlier tonight:

"Looks like things will get a bit clearer tomw for Icarus"

If you go to the site as of this writing, you probably won't learn much more. However, it sounds like we may be in for some news tomorrow. Combine this news with the save the date we received for August 11th, and it's pretty obvious that Irrational is up to something. Keep an eye on the site for new details as they become available.


The site has updated a bit. In terms of visuals, we're still looking at the same black screen and grayish dot. However, there is now text below it that reads "August the 12th, at 1:45PM, Eastern Standard Time." Not sure if this falls under things "getting clearer," but it's at least updating.