by Adam Biessener on Aug 06, 2010 at 07:00 AM

Steam is going to start selling Puzzle Quest 2 on August 12, and we can assume that other digital retailers will follow suit. Finally, all those people who want Puzzle Quest 2 and don't have a 360 or a DS can get in on the mediocrity!

Also painful is the fact that it costs more on PC -- $20 to the $15 in MS points that the 360 version, which came out a month ago, costs. At least you can stick it to DS players, who still need to shell out $30 for a new copy.

Kidding aside, you'd be better off spending $10 on the superior original if you want to get Puzzle Questy on your PC. The second one doesn't have the chops to hang.

[via 1up]